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HeartMath Institute® Research Publications
Click here for a complete listing of research publications from the HeartMath Institute.


The Appreciative Heart: The Psychophysiology of Positive Emotions and Optimal Functioning
The heart's connection with love and other positive emotions has survived throughout millennia and across many diverse cultures. Now, new empirical research is at last providing scientific validation for this age-old association. This 21-page monograph offers a comprehensive understanding of the HeartMath Institute's cutting-edge research exploring the heart's central role in emotional experience.

Described in detail is physiological coherence, a distinct mode of physiological functioning identified by HMI researchers, which is generated during sustained positive emotions and linked with beneficial health and performance-related outcomes. The paper also provides steps and applications of two HeartMath techniques, Freeze-Frame® and Heart Lock-In®, which engage the heart to help transform stress and produce sustained states of coherence. Data from outcome studies are presented, which suggest that these techniques facilitate a beneficial repatterning process at the mental, emotional, and physiological levels.
Click here to purchase the Appreciative Heart


The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within and Between People, by Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
Even when we're not consciously communicating with others, our physiological systems interact in subtle and surprising ways. Did you know that the electromagnetic signal produced by your heart is registered in the brain waves of people around you? Or that your physiological responses sync up with your mate's during empathetic interactions? Find out why the heart's electromagnetic field is believed to act as a central synchronizing signal within the body, an important carrier of emotional information, and a key mediator of energetic interactions between people. Learn more about new research on heart rhythm coherence and bio-electromagnetic interactions, and its implications for health care, in this well-referenced 20-page monograph.
Click here to purchase the Energetic Heart


Heart-Brain Neurodynamics: The Making of Emotions, by Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
As pervasive as they are in human experience, emotions have long remained an enigma to science. This comprehensive monograph explores recent scientific advances that clarify central controversies in the study of emotion, including the relationship between intellect and emotion, and the historical debate on the source of emotional experience. A discussion of the critical role of ascending input from the body to the brain in the generation of emotions culminates in a detailed presentation of a new model of emotion in which the brain functions as a complex pattern-matching system. From this perspective it is shown that the heart is a key component of the emotional system, thus providing a physiological basis for the long-acknowledged link between the heart and our emotional life.
Click here to purchase Heart-Brain Neurodynamics


A Practitioners Guide, Applications of using the emWave® Stress Relief System
An in-depth practitioners guide by Dr. Timothy Culbert with Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. and Howard Martin. This 24-page guide offers new tools for stress reduction and emotional management and includes:

  • how to evaluate your clients.
  • how to explain the emWave system to your clients.
  • hands-on use and step by step outline for using the emWave system with clients.
  • practical tips on designing effective strategies.
  • interviews with practitioners in clinics, hospitals and private practice on applications and results.
  • descriptions of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Psychophysiological Coherence.

Click here to purchase A Practitioners Guide



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Last Updated: 2022-03-01 ( Remote )
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