Open a HeartCloud account using either the emWave programs or with the Inner Balance app.
To Register a new HeartCloud account, or to login in to, Click Here
Click – Register to begin the registration process for a new account. HeartCloud accounts are email specific, so make sure that you use an email address that you intend to have for a long time.
Once you have created this account, open the program or the app.
For emWave PRO or emWave2:
- Once you have created a HeartCloud account from within the emWave program, Select the User that has just been registered, Click the Review Progress icon
and that User record will automatically sync to the HeartCloud for the User account that you created.
- Use the email address associated with the individual user, and the password that was created at the time of registration.
- You can view this feature by clicking the Edit tab and selecting Preferences and the Advanced tab.
- An account must be created for each User in order to sync to HeartCloud.
- If you have not created a HeartCloud account for the current user, click on the Review Progress icon. Note the prompt and click to register a HeartCloud account.
- Only one email address may be used per User Account and per HeartCloud account.
- HeartCloud accounts are email specific. You may use a password from one of your other HeartMath accounts or Single Sign-On.
- If you run sessions as a User in your Practitioners office, your sessions are in that local machine’s database and cannot use the Read Only access feature with that same User account on HeartCloud.
For Inner Balance users:
- Open Inner Balance on your iDevice and tap the Gear icon to go into the app settings.
- Swipe up to see Login and Sync, make sure that the email at the bottom is the same one for your account. HeartCloud accounts are email specific.
- Turn on the Sync feature. That way all of your sessions will automatically be posted up to HeartCloud.