HeartMath Inner Balance Trainer Coherence Scoring System


Here is a downloadable .pdf of a comprehensive document explaining the Coherence Scoring System.

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How do the challenge levels work in Inner Balance?


These screen shots of the Inner Balance session screen at the four different challenge levels show how the thresholds between the low, medium, high and highest challenge levels increase as you change the challenge levels from one to four.

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Bluetooth (BTLE) Notification


When you first turn on the Inner Balance app, you may see a notice regarding Bluetooth on your device.

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Classroom Mode for the Inner Balance BTLE Sensor


Download a .pdf document with complete instructions for using the Inner Balance BTLE Sensor in a multiple user (Classroom) situation.

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User’s Manual for Android using Inner Balance 3.8 or higher


Here is a link to download the latest version of the Inner Balance User’s Manual for Android version 3.8 or higher.

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