Inner Balance for Android


Inner Balance for Android 1. Getting Started 2. Settings 3. Help 4. Run a Session 5. Review History and Progress 6. Journals 7. HeartCloud 8. Bluetooth Sensors 9. Terms and Metrics We would like to invite you on a journey to improve your Inner Balance… the alignment between your heart, mind and body. HeartMath techniques […]

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Inner Balance for iOS


1. Getting Started 2. Settings 3. Sync to iOS Health App 4. Help 5. Run a Session 6. Review History and Progress 7. Journals 8. HeartCloud 9. Bluetooth Sensors 10. Terms and Metrics We invite you to start on a journey to improve your Inner Balance and the alignment between your heart, mind and body […]

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Inner Balance Bluetooth (BTLE) Sensor Pairing / Bonding Issues


Nov 02, 2020 Please ensure to keep the Bluetooth Sensor charging at least for 2 hours before you can start using it. The battery life is very long and should not need recharging for quite some time. By Definition:Pairing: Syncing a Bluetooth device to your phone, iPad etc.Bonding: Is the act of syncing to an […]

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Classroom Mode for the Inner Balance BTLE Sensor


Using the Inner Balance Bluetooth (BTLE) Sensor in a Group setting can be difficult with multiple sensors being available in the Bluetooth queue. To download a .pdf document with complete instructions for this procedure Click Here

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