emWave Pro
What are some of the benefits I could expect from using HeartMath Technology products and how much time does it take to see results?
/Most people get into medium or high coherence within a few short sessions and feel a reduction in stress.
Read more »Why are the Graphics blank in the emWave PC program?
/Sometimes the saved screen settings get corrupted in the emWave PC program.
Read more »Is emWave like a biofeedback device or biofeedback therapy?
/emWave is not classified as a biofeedback therapy device.
Read more »Using the Export Session data command
/In the emWave Desktop and some of the other older versions (only), you have the ability to export Session data into an ASCII text file.
Read more »emWave Software License Ageement
/The Terms of Agreement for the usage of the HeartMath LLC / Quantum Intech software products.
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