Using the Visualizer Professional with emWave Desktop PC


 Note: the previously sold Visualizer Professional is no longer being sold. However, it may continue to work with the emWave Desktop PC product and you may use at your own risk.  Note that the Visualizer Pro will not work with the latest version emWave Pro 3.0


If you have installed emWave PC version 1.0.5 through 1.0.8 and/or emWave Desktop Version 1 installed, you can install and run the Visualizer Professional Product. (If you have emWave PC version 1.0.5, it is highly recommended that you install the 1.0.8 final patch)

The Visualizer Pro cannot be installed without these legacy versions of emWave being installed first.  You will receive an error if you try to install it with emWave Desktop alone.

Please launch the emWave Desktop icon first – then go to the Visualizer Pro Icon and launch that. If you try to launch Visualizer Pro first by double clicking the icon on the desktop – the program will launch but not run sessions.


1.  Launch emWave Desktop

2.  Launch the Visualizer Pro

3.  On the Visualizer Pro Menu click Function then Start Monitoring or click the green right arrow to start the session.

4.  The session will run and display results in both the Emotion Visualizer window and the emWave Desktop Session view window.


Some items in the Visualizer Help may not apply to emWave Desktop.

The "Return to emWave PC"  and the "Show emWave buttons" cannot return to the emWave Desktop application as they look for the older versions

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