HRV graph view


The latest versions of emWave PRO and emWave2 have changed how the HRV graph of completed or reviewed sessions are displayed.

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emWave hardware compatibility


emWave hardware and software purchased together will work as expected.

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Troubleshooting and Tips for Using the Ear Sensor with emWave Pro or emWave2


If you are having trouble getting a correct pulse reading on the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Display when starting a session, the following troubleshooting tips will help ensure that you get an accurate reading.

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Arrhythmia/Atrial Fibrillation and the emWave


Even if you may have some more serious health issues it’s does not mean that you can’t use the emWave products.

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Graphics Freezing


You may need an updated video driver in order for the games to work.

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