Using the power of your heart to balance thoughts and emotions, you can achieve energy, mental clarity and feel better fast anywhere. Use Quick Coherence especially when you begin feeling a draining emotion such as frustration, irritation, anxiety or anger. Find a feeling of ease and inner harmony that’s reflected in more balanced heart rhythms, facilitating brain function and more access to higher intelligence.
Step 1. Focus your attention in the area of the heart. Imagine your breath is flowing in and out of your heart or chest area, breathing a little slower and deeper than usual.
Suggestion: Inhale 5 seconds, exhale 5 seconds (or whatever rhythm is comfortable).
Step 2. Make a sincere attempt to experience a regenerative feeling such as appreciation or care for someone or something in your life.
Suggestion: Try to re-experience the feeling you have for someone you love, a pet, a special place, an accomplishment, etc., or focus on a feeling of calm or ease.
Quick Steps:
Heart-Focused Breathing
Activate a positive or renewing feeling
Understanding Coherence
Most of us have experienced driving our car and knowing it is not running well. This can be due to many factors, one of which could be that the timing is off. This means the spark plugs are not firing in a synchronized manner. The car still runs, just not very well.
This is true for our bodies as well. When they are out of sync, they work, just not as well as they could. This means that our autonomic nervous system, hormonal system and immune system are not working in a synchronized manner.
We fix our car by adjusting the timing so that the spark plugs fire with the proper order and synchronization. We can re-synchronize our body systems by creating a state of Coherence and thus improving our mental focus, emotional stability and physical resilience. This allows us to operate in a more efficient manner in all areas of life. The diagram below illustrates some physiological patterns before and after inducing a state of Coherence.

The Quick Coherence technique is a simple and effective way to bring your body systems into synchronous operation allowing you to move through life in a state of ease.
Related Links:
Additional Research:
Duff Stillwell
says:Works just fine!