Viewing the emWave2 Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Display

Understanding the HRV Display on the emWave2 device.

HRV Display
In the HRV Display, the sequence and timing of the moving lights follow your heart rhythm. The moving series of blue lights on the Heart Action Strip follows your heart rhythm as it speeds up and slows down in real-time. This is also described as the beat-to-beat variability in your heart rate, or heart rate variability (HRV). Unlike the Breath Pacer, the HRV display is not programmed to rise and fall in a smooth rhythmic pattern, but reflects the detailed and real-time changes in your heart rate. When you are in High Coherence, your HRV pattern will be smooth and rhythmic. This is depicted on the emWave HRV Display as a smooth rising and falling blue light. Your goal is to create a smooth rising and falling blue light, indicating a highly coherent heart rhythm pattern.
Why Use the HRV Display?
Seeing your heart rate variability (HRV) displayed in real-time as you practice the Quick Coherence technique, can help you improve your Coherence Scores and increase your HRV range. Remember, HRV is an important indicator of physiological resilience and emotional flexibility. HRV coherence, or heart rhythm coherence, has the same physiological benefit as whats commonly called the relaxation response. But it is much more than that. HRV coherence also improves your brains ability to process information, including decision-making, problem solving and creativity. HRV coherence improves memory, mental clarity and performance in learning or sports, including eye-hand coordination and reaction times. Over time, you will find it also increases your energy level.
What is the HRV Range?
Your Heart Rate Variability HRV range reflects how much change occurs in your beat-to-beat variability. A higher range of variability is an indicator of good health. The range of HRV naturally decreases as people age. Stress and negative feelings can cause the range of your HRV to temporarily decrease. Chronic stress can cause an overall reduction in your HRV range. You can learn to increase your HRV range as you practice obtaining new levels of coherence.
Because people have different ranges of HRV, the Heart Action Strip automatically scales its display to best fit your HRV range. The range is indicated by the number of lights on both ends of the Heart Action Strip. These range indicator lights are dimly lit, with the more brightly lit HRV wave moving up and down over them.
If you’re in a stressful state, your HRV wave may not move as high and low (up and down) on the Heart Action Strip. It will hover more around the center indicating a lower range of HRV.
Breathe more deeply if this happens and use the Quick Coherence technique. In the Advanced Mode you have two goals: to increase your coherence and get your HRV wave to move higher and lower.
The figure below shows the four HRV ranges on the Heart Action Strip. emWave automatically changes its display to indicate your HRV range. It is the number of lights on the top and bottom of the Heart Action Strip that indicate the range of your HRV pattern. If your range is low (5 BPM) then you will see 4 blue lights at the top and bottom of the Heart Action Strip.
If your HRV range is high (20 BPM) then you would see only one light at the top and bottom of the Heart Action Strip. The moving blue lights in the middle of the Heart Action Strip traces your HRV pattern; rising as your heart rate increases and falling as it decreases. These displays give you a better indication of your HRV range.

The Four Ranges Of EmWave
  Heart Rhythm Patterns

One light = 20 BPM full scale range—depicted in the top figure
Two lights = 15 BPM Three lights = 10 BPM
Four lights = 5 BPM—depicted in the bottom figure
As you practice increasing your coherence and reducing your stress levels, your HRV range may start to increase. As your HRV range increases, you’ll see fewer lights at the top and bottom on the Heart Action Strip. In simple terms, the fewer lights, the wider the range of your HRV. The more lights that display on the Heart Action Strip, the narrower the range of your HRV. For more information on HRV go to:

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