To delete sessions on the emWave2 device, you must first open the emWave software program and connect your emWave2 to your computer via the USB interface cable.
Go to File/Sync emWave2.
Ensure that Sync Session Data with Device is checked if you want to transfer your last sessions.
Also ensure that Delete Hand Held Session Data after import is checked; it will remove the sessions from the device after transferring them to the computer software.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only use the delete data function to clear the emWave2. Do not use the Wipe function, that is for a different function and will cause your computer to not recognize the emWave device.
What is the Difference between “Delete” and “Wipe” on the emWave2 device?
It is an important difference: only use the delete data function to remove Sessions off of the hand held device.
DO NOT use the “wipe” function unless you intend to transfer the user, as it will delete the digital ID as well.
This is especially critical if you want to use the hand-held device on several different computers concurrently; because the Digital ID is randomly created, other computers that previously recognized the hand-held will cease to do so. This will result in new Digital ID’s being created each time a sync is accomplished after that. It would be necessary to completely uninstall the emWave2 software program and then reinstall it as “fresh” to have all software installations recognize the hand-held with one Digital ID.
Using only the emWave2 software program, you are restricted to a single user.
The emWave PRO program does not have this restriction, so this function is not necessary.