How to uninstall the emWave Application on Mac?

Please Note: If you are going to reinstall the emWave program, before you begin this procedure, make sure that you have your Registration number at hand. You will need it to reinstall the program. You can download the program at

Using this method will completely uninstall all the files for the emWave program without leaving any residual file remnants.

  1. Close the emWave application and unplug your sensor.
  2. Click on Finder.
  3. Click Go at the top of the screen and choose Applications.
  4. Find the emWave application. Now press and hold the Control key and click on the emWave application icon.
  5. Let up on the Control key, then click on Show Package Contents.
  6. Now click on Contents.
  7. Next click on Shared Support.
  8. Click on Uninstall to begin the process.
  9. You will be asked for your password several times, please enter your computer password.
  10. Follow the prompts and then the uninstall will proceed.
  11. When it completes, please restart the computer.




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